PASSION PROJECT – #6 Desert: Caramel Pudding

I find this tutorial video among a bunch of food videos that I saved and I think that I am ready for something more challenging after successfully making brownies and cookies. I always love pudding, especially the ones with dripping caramel on top.


These are the ingredients you need:


I make the caramel on top first as it has to be at the bottom of the pudding basins. All you have to do is to melt the sugar but make sure to keep stirring as it can be burnt easily. And just pour the melted sugar into the basins. It cools down and hardens very quick.


The next step is to separate three egg yolks from the egg white which requires some skills. To get the perfect yolk, you have to crack the egg carefully to allow the yolk to stay in one of the halves and pour the yolk into the other half of the shell, letting the white drip into a bowl.


Then, I add one whole egg, sugar and vanilla extract into the three yolks and mix them together.


I put the mixture aside and boil the milk and the whipping cream until there is a thin milk skin on top.


When the milk is boiled, I pour the milk into the egg mixture through a sieve so it has a velvety texture.


I mix the milk into the egg mixture and pour it into the pudding basins. Then, I place the basins into a pan that’s thick enough for a water bath. I let it steam for about 30 minutes.


This is the result:



I would give this a 7/10! As you can see that it is not as velvety as I wish it to be… It is because I overcooked it a bit with medium-high heat when I steam it. The puddings in the recipe are steamed on an one-top stove which makes it difficult for viewers to follow the cooking process exactly. But luckily, the taste is a 10/10!

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