TECH TOPIC – #4 Reflection on Video Editing

I have done a unit about video editing in middle school and I didn’t really enjoy it. I found it very difficult to understand and I just had no clue where every button that I had to click was. The unit was taught in a teacher-center command style which means that the teacher would model how to do it once while reading out instructions in front of the whole class before we headed off to edit our own videos. It was hard to follow along with the teacher’s demonstration since it went through every step all at once. As a Grade seven/eight teenager, I had a hard time focusing and staying on task, especially when the teacher spent half of the class talking about how to complete something that I wasn’t familiar. When we were sent off to practice what the teacher had taught, I felt helpless because I didn’t know what we were supposed to do and how to do it but I didn’t what to ask the teacher like I didn’t listen to him. Now, being a teacher candidate, this experience can be a reference and reminder to always reflect on how the students are responding to your teaching methods and be flexible to adjust it according to your students’ needs.

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